
I’ve been working in software engineering for over 20 years, doing full stack web development. For years I worked primarily in Microsoft and .NET, but the last 3 years I’ve joined the Ruby on Rails community and become an AWS expert.

My first development job was making web pages for the Dean of the Biology Department at the University of Maryland College Park… which earned me some free looks through the Electron Scanning microscope.

I’ve been messing around with computers since the 7th grade, 1982,  on my middle school’s Apple IIe. It was on my VIC-20, a Christmas present that year, that I wrote my first program… my sister caught me robot-dancing to the strobe light I had just programmed and stored on the VIC’s cassette drive.

After a long hiatus and some early-twenties wanderlust, and years of waiting tables, I decided I wanted to make money with my creativity and brain, and without lifting heavy things. I got back into computers in the late 90’s and pursued a BS in Computer Science from the UMD College Park which I received in 1999. And the rest is history!

I married my beautiful wife Shannon in that same year and we have two happy children.


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